[Google Play] 2020년 9월 15일자 안내메일
간간히 오늘 구글 메일에 대해 작성을 해볼까 합니다.
오늘 구글로 받은 메일 전문은 아래와 같습니다.
Hello Google Play Developer,
In compliance with state tax laws, Google will be responsible for determining, charging, and remitting state and local sales tax for all Google Play paid apps and in-app purchases made by customers in the following state in the United States effective October 1, 2020:
• Tennessee
This change applies to all paid apps and in-app purchases made by customers in Tennessee, even if your business is not located there. After this change is made, you'll be able to save time previously spent calculating and remitting sales tax for your customers’ purchases in Tennessee. No other action is required on your part.
If you weren’t previously collecting tax, users in Tennessee will pay a higher total price for your app if it is deemed taxable. If you’d like to update your items’ prices, you can do so on the Pricing & distribution, In-app products, and Subscriptions pages in your Play Console.
Please note: Beginning on the aforementioned dates, sales tax may be calculated and charged using existing prices for subscription products. Depending on how you’ve previously calculated taxes for subscriptions, prices to existing subscriptions might be affected. However, you can publish and start selling new subscription products with a different price point or change existing prices for subscriptions products. Learn more about how to change the price of a subscription.
For more information on tax rates visit the Google Play Console Help Center. If you have any other questions, please consult your tax advisor.
Thank you,
The Google Play team
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이 내용은 미국의 테네시 주에서 2020년 10월 1일 부터 구글 플레이 내 유료앱과 인앱 구매에 대한 주 및 지방판매세를 결정, 부과 및 송금할 책임이 있음을 안내한 내용입니다.
본인이 테네시주에서 사업을 하는것이 아님에도 테네시주에 거주하는 이가 해당 어플 또는 인앱 상품을 구매하게 된 경우 이에 대한 세금이 부가됨을 안내하는 메일입니다. 적용일자는 10월 1일부터이고 이에 대한 세금 부과가 가격에 영향을 미치지 않게 하려면 Play Console에서 가격 정책을 변경할 것은 권장하고 있습니다.